You’ll receive a new freshly made shamanic healing audio to your email every week!

With the energy of the time, wheather is an eclipse season or equinox or full moon. Or what are we affected by in the collective energy field… the healing is made for you to this specific time.

What will you get with 10 €/month?

  • 4-5 meditations & shamanic healings / month you won’t find anywhere else
  • Downloadable, no ads!
  • Once a week, between wednesday-friday healing in your email
  • Soundhealing with instruments and singing, sounds of nature, animal helpers, channeled singing, affirmations
  • Shared knowledge of the energy at the time
  • Straight away receive the first recording & healing to you email
  • Lots of love, compassion and support
  • Freedom, no commitment, unsubscribe any time.
In the video I will tell you more <3 Oh, and just to make sure: it’s 4-5 healings/month = one healing per week! 😀

Join “My Healing Journey” with only 10 €/month!
1. Fill out this form for 10 e/month automatic payments
2. Fill out the form on the next page for receiving the emails
3. Check your email, you should receive the first email immediately, or in 5-10 min. If not, email me at

My Healing Journey is on a break right now and subcribing closed. Sorry!

Stripe recurring payments of 10 euros/month (including vat 24%) You can cancel any time. You’ll receive straight away the first recording, where you will connect with your guides and helpers and open yourself to their guidance. <3
Want to ask me something..? Please email me at <3

Come and walk with me. 🙂 The journey is all about your healing. To more joy and love. Inner peace and self empowerment.

Cleansing your energy and strengthening the connection with Mother Earth, Universe, and your own heart.

“My Healing Journey” is not like healings you can find from social media, cause this is made for YOU. And I will walk with you on your journey.

> the recordings are channeled only to the subscribers at the moment, not shared anywhere else

> You can download the recordings and listen to them as many times as you want

> the recordings are made in the energy of that specific time, spring, summer, autumn, winter… equinox or solar eclipse, full moon or any specific energy that is strongly effecting us at that moment

> in the recordings I will be channeling healing energy either with shamanic drumming, other instruments, sound healing, guided meditations. Or a healing song. Or anything that I’m guided to create. For your highest good.

> I will talk a few words about the energy of the time. And channel wisdom from the guides to you, to the group. To all of us. What we should be paying attention to right now, in the collective energy, where we all journey right now.

> I will call on the healing powers of the north here in Finland, with powerful nature and elements, thousands of lakes and swamps, forests and sacred mountains.

You can join any time!

There is no beginning or end to the healing journey. Journey of self discovery and spiritual growth. So you can jump in any time. And also jump out if you feel like it. You can even just test it for one month.

On this journey there is no pushing. No demands or goals. Only the journey. The most important journey. On which we walk together. <3

Only 10 euros per month!

I know.. it could be more… But I’m hoping to gather on this journey as many people as possible and I know the times are hard for many.

That’s why you only pay 10 euros. So the money would not be an obstacle. Please feel free to spread the word!

No more getting tired of listening to just one recording!

You will receive all the time something new, that will keep your interest and attention.

I know I used to get tired of listening to the same meditation over and over again, like from YouTube… and now they even have ads on them…

And I believe, at some point the healing won’t work on you anymore, cause it did already what it was supposed to.

So whether it’s spring and sun rising the fire element, or the autumn turning to winter… the energy of the time of the year is always special. Also the years are different. The energy now is moving us so fast and strong.

It is now a time of great awakenings, the individual gifts opening and the souls mission, purpose, to rise. What are YOU here for? You’ll find it under the layers of built beliefs, ego and generational wounds. Just cleanse, cleanse, stop, turn within and breathe. It’s all inside you, and it will come out. You only need to stop and listen. Ground and cleanse. And I’ll help you do just that on this journey.

So I hope you’ll join me on “My Healing Journey”. Thank you so much. <3 <3 <3