Hi, welcome to my site!

My name is Anja Kadziolka and I do shamanic work here in Finland. In the picture I’m doing a ceremony and a shamanic sound healing journey in the largest spiritual festival in the Nordics, in Natural High Healing Festival.

I perform in happenings, events, and organize shamanic ceremonies.

I also host an email-list “My Healing Journey”, where I send weekly, targeted healings for the group that has joined in.

I channel healing energy on recordings, to mp3:s, videos and ceremonies and healings through Zoom or even without any digital connection.

So how can I help you?
> Join “My Healing Journey” and walk with me.
> You can book a healing session with me, where ever you are.
> Or just follow me on YouTube, Instagram or TikTok.

Here’s one of my favourite feedback of my ceremony 🙂

“Anja is a powerful and blessed channel for ancient elemental force. She combines her own voice to her drumming and the healing session feels to be in guidence of a greater power. Anja is channeling what is meant to be. A very warm recommendation to her healing session.” 

You can receive healings also for free on social media:
Healing videos on Youtube >>
Short healings on TikTok >>
Follow me on Instagram >>

Or if you have a question, email me at anja@anjakadziolka.fi <3